Our Mission: To serve as the voice of the student body of the School of Pharmacy at University of California, San Francisco; to represent the School of Pharmacy to the over-arching UCSF campus; to promote participation in and enhance collaboration among pharmacy organizations in order to foster professional growth and leadership development; to bring our community of faculty, staff, alumni, and students together by sponsoring an array of academic, professional, and social events throughout the year.
Therapeutic Window & Student Spotlights Annoucement
Check out both articles and have a good reading break during your studies!
Read them HERE
ASSP Bagel Day!!
Date: Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Time: 8:00am - 12:00PM
Location: Nursing Mezzanine
RSVP: via OrgSync
Join ASSP for their quarterly bagel day, encouraging students to support each other during finals and eat breakfast!
UCSF ASSP Publicity Guidelines
UCSF ASSP Announcement Submission Form
Thank you for working with us to reduce the contact burden on our student body. We hope that this new system will be much more helpful for your RCO’s marketing!
ASSP Cabinet
Join ACCP!
To become an ACCP (American College of Clinical Pharmacy) at UCSF member, please follow the instructions on this form: ACCP-SCCP 2017-2018 Membership
[Project Pediatrics] LPCH Round Table {CoCurSOP: PROFESSIONAL SKILLS & NETWORKING}
Date: Wednesday, 6th June 2018
Time: 6:00 - 8:00PM
Location: CL-220
We will be having small group discussions led by staff and clinical pharmacists from Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. It will be an opportunity for you to learn more about pediatric clinical pharmacy, network with the LPCH staff, and learn more about their internship. Food will be provided!
Our event is capped at 20 people, so make sure to sign up now! Make sure to RSVP by clicking attending on OrgSync and filling out the attached form. RSVP deadline by June 3, 11:59pm. CoCur credit: Professional Skills & Networking
Winter 2018 CSHP Clinician
View the interactive Flipbook here:
Contact: Jacey.Nishiguchi@ucsf.edu
Check out CSHP-UCSF's Winter 2018 Clinician! The CSHP Clinician is a quarterly newsletter that highlights our chapter's events featuring our students, pharmacists, and faculty.
To become a member of CSHP-UCSF, please fill out this application. If you have any questions about how to become a member, please contact Connie Sou at Connie.Sou@ucsf.edu
Follow us @UCSF.CSHP on Instagram!
LAPS (laps@ucsf.edu) is devoted to providing health care services, education, and outreach to underserved communities, especially in the pharmacy setting to the Latino communities in the San Francisco and Bay area.
Be sure to join our Facebook group LAPS @ UCSF!
[NCPA] Komoto Healthcare Tour
Date: Thursday- Friday, 2-3 August 2018
Location: S-172
RSVP: via Google Form
Dr. Brian Komoto is holding an annual tour of his pharmacies this summer. Here you will learn about innovative pharmacy practice models: Community Pharmacy, Compounding, Ambulatory Care, Transition of Care, Home Infusion, and Specialty Pharmacy. Also you will get to meet and greet the healthcare executives there.
Light refreshments will be provided!
It is on a first come first serve basis and there are 20 spots available so sign up fast.
For information about NCPA, check out: http://ucsfncpa.com
[SNPhA] Spring Cleaning Clothes Drive
Date: Monday, May 21st-Friday June 1st
Location: S-956 (student lounge)
SNPhA will be holding a “Spring Cleaning” clothes drive for SF City Impact’s Tenderloin Thrift Store. SNPhA challenges you to bring at least one piece of clothing you no longer wear anymore and donate it to a great cause!
It is on a first come first serve basis and there are 20 spots available so sign up fast.
If you are interested in participating, please drop off clothes that are in good condition (no undergarments, holes, stains) in the designated box in the student lounge (S-956) from May 21st-June 1st.
SNPhA Spring 2018 Banquet
Date: Friday, 1 June 2018
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM
2017 UCSF School of Pharmacy Career Fair: Employer Links
US Air Force
Kaiser Permanente
Rite Aid
US Public Health Services
Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industrial Fellowship
EPC Problem Submission
EPC Problem Submission
Contact: P3 EPC Reps, Scott.Myers@ucsf.edu; Peter.Nguyen@ucsf.edu
As your P3 EPC reps, Peter and Scott are proud to introduce a brand new method of submitting classroom problems on the fly: EPC Problem Submission
Have you ever complained about a poorly done articulate, mismatched PowerPoints, unclear course expectations, incorrect information, etc.? EPC wants to hear them all!
We have created a new quick submission system for your use. Our goal is to track and analyze ongoing or repeated problems in courses in order to address them with course directors. These problems can vary from small technology issues to systemic problems in course structure and learning objectives. Write as little or as much as you want to! We are especially looking for repeated problems so don’t be inhibited if you have submitted an identical issue before.
The EPC Problem Submission link can also be found on the ASSP Website, under Resources. We also highly encourage you to bookmark it!
Lastly, these problems can be completely anonymous. There are no required fields, but having your name is great in case follow-up is needed. This information will only be seen by EPC personal and deidentified aggregate data will be used in discussing solutions with faculty or future policy standardizations.
We really hope you will consider using it!
Thanks again!
Scott & Peter
Frat Fridays: Please remember to wear your letters every Friday to display your Kappa Psi Spirit!
Finals Care Package
Order Deadline: Sunday, June 3rd 11:59 PM
Sweeten someone’s day up by sending a finals care package filled with yummy snacks and happy pills that hold a secret personalized note 😊 Whether it be your boo, friend, big, little, family, or professor, help them destress this finals season and let them know how much you care or appreciate them!
Click the link to see the goodies in the care package!
Nursing Building Gender Neutral Bathrooms Policy Proposal
Policy Proposal: Nursing Building Gender Neutral Bathrooms
The School of Nursing is proposing a policy on gender neutral bathrooms and have asked student representatives to gauge support of the bill. More information is included on the Qualtrics Survey posted below. If you're not aware, take note that UCSF is moving to a campus-wide gender neutral bathroom policy by 2020 but the School of Nursing is trying to convert bathrooms in the Nursing Building sooner than that. Please voice your opinion if you have one.
Dohmen Pharmacy Internship 2018
Apply: Here
The Dohmen Pharmacy Internship 2018 application is now open. We are hiring 2 students for the summer.
You may submit your application by following the link below: https://careers-dlss.icims.com/jobs/search?ss=1&searchLocation=12781-12789-Emeryville
Screening applicants will occur over the next few weeks and interviews will be conducted thereafter.
The internship is focused on medical communications and drug safety. Danh and I learned a lot last summer as we rotated through different teams and projects. If you have any questions feel free to email me (brandon.chhan@ucsf.edu) or Danh (danh.huynh@ucsf.edu).
Curriculum 2018 & Beyond
Date: Friday June 1st
**RSVP deadline May 28, 11:59 pm**
Time: 12:00 - 1:00PM
Location: HSW-302
RSVP: Here
There will be a presentation on the Foundations I theme and Applied Patient Skills Course by the respective course directors, Kathy Yang and Crystal Zhou.
Join us for a presentation on the new curriculum! Free food provided with RSVP.[CPNP] Panda Express Fundraiser
Date: Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Time: 10:00AM -11:00PM
Location: Panda Express @ Milberry Union
Come support CPNP at our Panda Express fundraiser!
Remember to show the flyer at the register when you purchase your food! The flyer can be found at our Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1046371085510501/
Clinical Case Survey
Hi everyone, In this study, the researchers are administering a survey to learn more about your experiences with clinical cases in your didactic education. They are interested in the opinions of all students at UCSF SoP. Your coursework and grades, reputation, and standing in the program will not be influenced by your survey responses. This survey is completely anonymous, and we value your input! Here is the link to complete the survey: https://ucsf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9oTsqP6BEfOkSDX
Contact: Dr. Crystal Zhou (crystal.zhou@ucsf.edu) or Jose Tinajero (jose.tinajero@ucsf.edu) regarding any questions.
[P1 Weekly Bolus] Spring, Week 10
Hi Y’all
As the quarter and the year come to an end, we the P1 Class Cabinet want to thank you for allowing us to represent the student body. This year has been a wonderful and challenging learning experience. We certainly hope you take out the time for self-care prior to finals. Go for a walk, enjoy the sun, or watch a good movie! Also, give yourself a pat on the back for the amount of work you accomplished because you deserve it. Here are a few announcements for the week:
Monday 06/04
--CP 119 OSCE (Check CLE for your time)
Tuesday 06/05
--BPS 115 Problem Set #8 Due by 10am
Wednesday 06/06
--BPS 115 Workshop at 1pm (Groups D,E,F)
--BPS 115 Final Exam Review Session 2pm
Thursday 06/07
Friday 06/08
--BPS 113 Final Exam Review 9am
--PC 115 Final Exam Review 12pm
--BPS 115 FINAL PAPER (Choose either Warfarin or Clopidogrel) due at 2pm
PS. If you have any educational concerns, please send a message to the EPC Form.
Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email. We are here to help!
Have a wonderful week and good luck!
P1 Class Schedule - Spring 2018
Congratulations to our newly elected P1 Class Cabinet and all our P1 reps!
P1 Class Cabinet (2017-2018)
• President: Kevin Le
• Vice President: Janelle Agustin
• Secretary: Conrad Lopez
• Treasurer: Kharissa Shaw
RCO P1 Representatives
• ACCP: Brian Gac and Kyle Merchant
• AMCP: Madeena Siddiqui and Ryan Thaliffdeen
• APhA: Vivian Chen and Jessica Wisniewski
• COSA: Christine Lin and Cynthia Tsui
• CSHP: Allison Lee and Andrew Munoz
• LAPS: Nancy Ramirez and Clarice Resso
• NCPA: Kinyee Fong and Thalia McCann
• SNPhA: Amna Elsayed and Dylan Nand
P2 Class Schedule - Spring 2018
[P2 Weekly Bolus] Spring, Week 10
P3 Class Cabinet (2018-2019)
• President: Jonathan Nguyen
• Vice President: Vicky Yi
• Secretary: Ailin Kim
• Treasurer: Maki Usui
P4 Pharm Sci Schedule - Block 1
P4 Class Cabinet (2018-2019)
• President: Kate Misogas
• Vice President: Amy Liu
• Treasurer: George Rommel Dimacali
• Secretary: Monica Eng
Spring 2018 Electives
School of Pharmacy Spring Electives
P1 and P2 Electives (All Schools)
BPS171 Precision & Personalized Medicine: Healthcare Frontiers (1 Unit or CoCurSOP)
CP151 Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
EmergencyMedicine170.11 Wildnerss Medicine
OrthoSurg160.03 An Interactive Intro to Health Technology and Innovation
Wellness Activity Survey
Take Survey: HERE
Contact: Jessica.Lancaster@ucsf.edu
The Wellness Committee is here to support the non-academic needs of the student body, and we are always looking for ways to better help students maintain life balance and their overall wellness. The past school year we partnered with OSACA to hold events such as group exercise classes and Let's DeStress. We'd love to expand beyond these activities, and would greatly appreciate student feedback on what events they are interested in participating in. As always, if you have any suggestions for ways we can help support our peers, please reach out to us (our contact info is below)!
Wellness Committee
Who are we?
The Wellness Committee is made up of two students from each class that represent the student body and their non-academic needs. We help plan activities that maintain life balance and wellness, including fitness classes and events focused on de-stressing.
P1 representatives: (Coming spring quarter!)
P2 representatives: Megan Lau and Saumya Papneja
P3 representatives: Jessica Lancaster and Myranda Tillis
P4 representatives: Kylie Mitchell and Kay Takamura
Let's Talk Program
What is it? Drop in counseling with a Student Health and Counseling psychologist
Dates and Times: TBD (coming soon!)
Location: S-845
Why you might use this program:
- Needing support
- Unsure if going to SHC for more on-going counseling is the next step for you
- Concerned about a peer
- Want help managing stress
- Overwhelmed and unsure how to get help
- Unsure about counseling and want to learn more
- Have something quick you need to talk about
Important details:
- Completely confidential
- No paperwork needed!
- Offered through Student Health and Counseling
- Each session is for 25 minutes
How to use this service:
Simply mark off your preferred timeslot with an X on the sign-up sheet that is hanging on the door of S-845. When the time arrives, just show up at the room!
Other Useful Tools
Want to relax or try meditating? We suggest Calm.com or stopthinkbreath.com, both of which come as apps too!
Want some white noise while you study? We suggest trying out Noisli.
Questions or Suggestions?
If you have any concerns (about yourself or another student), we can help assist you finding resources.
If you have a suggestion for an event or program that could help students balance school and life or bring more relaxation and stress-reduction to their lives, please let us know!
Wellness Committee Contacts
Contact us:
- Megan Lau (Megan.Lau@ucsf.edu)
- Saumya Papneja (Saumya.Papneja@ucsf.edu)
- Jessica Lancaster (Jessica.Lancaster@ucsf.edu)
- Myranda Tillis (Myranda.Tillis@ucsf.edu)