Campus Organizations


academy of managed care pharmacy - amcp

AMCP is a professional association of pharmacists and associates who serve patients and the public by the promotion of wellness and rational drug therapy through the application of managed care principles. The Student Chapter at UCSF is dedicated to expanding awareness and understanding of managed care on campus. Our events are designed to educate our members about current trends in managed care, offer opportunities to interact with professionals in the field, and obtain hands-on experience through participation in projects such as the P&T Competition. In addition, we organize an annual elective course that exposes students to core concepts and career opportunities in managed care pharmacy.


Alliance for Pharmacy Sustainability - APS

Alliance for Pharmacy Sustainability (APS)'s ultimate mission is to improve quality of life for all through ensuring proper disposal and better sustainability practices for pharmacy-associated medical supplies and medications. We aim to foster relationships with pharmacies to help find better solutions to reduce their waste and increase the amount of waste recycled. Additionally, we are committed to actively engaging with our community via outreach to community pharmacies and other outpatient settings to help communities understand the how’s and why’s of safe and ecological pharmacy-related waste disposal.


American pharmacists association - academy of student pharmacists - APha

APhA-ASP is the largest pharmacy student organization at UCSF and is the student branch of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the first established and largest professional association of pharmacists in the United States; the American Pharmacists Association empowers its members to improve medication use and advance patient care.


community outreach student alliance - cosa

COSA organizes large-scale health fairs and population-specific outreach events that address the needs of underserved populations. We currently coordinate 13 student-run informational and screening projects, with affiliations across various School of Pharmacy student organizations on campus. We aim to provide quality patient-focused care, use our resources effectively, and offer meaningful outreach experiences that further both personal and professional development.


College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists - CPNP

CPNP exists to promote and support the inclusion of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacists into the treatment team and to enhance the quality of practice and treatment outcomes. As future members of the profession, CPNP students share an interest in these goals.


california society of health-system pharmacists - CSHP

CSHP at UCSF is the premier student organization that helps students network with clinical pharmacists and prepare for a clinical residency. We are passionate about providing resources to our students so that they can successfully pursue a residency, forge relationships with pharmacists, and further develop their professionalism. Our pharmacist mentors of the Golden Gate regional chapter are at the forefront of clinical pharmacy and are recognized as leaders in wellness, patient safety, and the optimal use of medications. As a CSHP member, you will have the opportunity to foster relationships with these pharmacists at chapter meetings, professional networking and legislative events, and socials.


Emergency Department Pharmacy Group - EDPG

EDPG is devoted to educating pharmacy students on the exciting fields of emergency medicine and toxicology.


industry pharmacists organization - ipho

The Industry Pharmacists Organizations is intended to advance the careers of industry pharmacist in non-traditional and traditional pharmacy setting.


international society of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research - ISPOR

ISPOR promotes the science of pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical, economic, and patient-centered outcomes) and facilitates the translation of this research into useful information for healthcare decision-makers to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of health care to improve health.


Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity - KY

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Incorporated was founded in 1879. With more than ninety one thousand members, it is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world.  The Beta Gamma Chapter was founded in 1910 at the University of California, San Francisco.


national hispanic pharmacists association - nHpA

NHPA is a culturally diverse group of students devoted to providing health care services, education and outreach to underserved communities. Our main focus is to serve the Latinos in our community and to provide valuable health education and services, especially in the pharmacy setting. The National Hispanic Pharmacists Association also strives to teach students about the Spanish language and the Latino culture, so that we may interact more effectively with the populations we serve.


Oncology Pharmacy Association - opa

The Oncology Pharmacy Association (OPA) provides students with opportunities to explore and learn about the field of oncology pharmacy. We promote unique and dynamic experiences for students with shadowing, volunteer and clinical research opportunities. We aim to better prepare students for oncology residencies by providing various guest speakers and connecting students with mentors to help develop their career interests


National Community Pharmacists Association - NCPA

The National Community Pharmacists Association, founded in 1898 as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD), represents the pharmacist owners, managers, and employees of more than 23,000 independent community pharmacies across the United States. The nation's independent pharmacies, independent pharmacy franchises, and independent chains dispense nearly half of the nation's retail prescription medicines.


pharmacy alliance for mentoring, leadership, and information - phamli

PhAMLI aims to provide guidance and mentorship in the field of pharmacy for current undergraduates through invaluable opportunity to network with peers from schools across California and UCSF pharmacy students.


Phi Delta Chi - pdc

PDC provides student pharmacists the opportunity to network with upperclassmen and alumni. We host many events for incoming student pharmacists, such as a professional night information session of alumni working in various fields of pharmacy and informal academic review sessions. Our goals are to promote professionalism within the field of pharmacy, to act as a support network for its members, and to emphasize a well-rounded pharmacy school experience.


Pharmacy Homeless Clinic - PHC

Pharmacy Homeless Clinic is a UCSF student-run free pharmacy clinic located at the St. Vincent de Paul Society in San Francisco. We work with UCSF-affiliated pharmacist preceptors to provide free OTC medications and counseling to shelter residents for their acute conditions.


Phi Lambda Sigma - pls

PLS is a national pharmacy leadership society comprised of pharmacy students, practitioners, and professors. PLS was founded in 1965 at Auburn University, and as of 2010, 93 chapters are active at pharmacy schools in the United States and Puerto Rico. The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma is to promote and support the development of leadership qualities among pharmacy students. The Beta Beta chapter at the University of California, San Francisco strives to encourage pharmacy students to take an active role in the profession of pharmacy and its future. It also recognizes and supports those who have demonstrated leadership in the profession of pharmacy.


pediatric pharmacy Association - PPa

The mission of PPA at UCSF is to promote safe and effective medication use and healthy lifestyles in pediatric populations through education and advocacy and to advance the field of pediatric pharmacy by coordinating a communication network for the professional development of members.


Student College of Clinical Pharmacy - SCCP

The Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) at UCSF is the student chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) and the regional Northern California College of Clinical Pharmacy (NCCCP). SCCP at UCSF’s mission is to orient student pharmacists to achieve excellence in both clinical pharmacy practice and research via leadership opportunities, training, and resources. In addition, our chapter encourages students to learn more about pursuing residencies, fellowships, graduate programs, and a career in clinical pharmacy.


Student National Pharmaceutical Association - SNPhA

The purpose of SNPhA is to provide opportunities for pharmacy students to expand their understanding of health disparities and participate in events geared towards closing those gaps. Our goal is to clarify the role of pharmacy in serving these populations while providing opportunities for professional development.


Women’s Health Alliance - WHA

WHA provides a unifying platform for UCSF students to advocate for increasing public access to reproductive healthcare, to disseminate educational medical information, and to advance the standard of care offered to women and women-identifying individuals.
